Pets can be both an emotional support and a source of motivation. This doesn’t mean every doctorate student should go out and get themselves a pet – but it is important to make the most of all the support available to you.

resource is journal article

This journal article investigates the impact that interacting with a dog can have on mood and anxiety of students in university.

Laura, a PhD student in Germany, shares how her cat has helped shaped her PhD journey.

Gayle is in the latter stages of her doctorate at Cardiff Metropolitan University. Here she reflects on how walking her dogs is beneficial: "The image is of my two dogs, Olive on the left and puppy Rosa on the right. I am using this image to represent my mental health & well-being. I have come to recognise that my mental health and well-being can be an enabler or a barrier. In my case, fresh air, space and activity are extremely good for my mental health and well-being and needing to walk the dogs has enabled much better progress with my PhD. I use this time to work through my current learning and allow my mind to generate ideas and plans. I am always able to return to my laptop refreshed and reinvigorated and far more productive. Recognising the need to protect my mental health and well-being and identifying the best way to do this has been a big enabler for me."

Bernard and Bryony

Some of our student stories also focus on pet ownership. Click here to find out more

Some universities offer sessions where dogs are brought onto campus for wellbeing sessions. Keep an eye out to see if such events happen within your university.