Researcher Wellbeing Cymru offers resources to help you develop resilience when progressing through your doctorate. We draw on the work of Kokotsaki (2023 p p175-6) for a definition of resilience in this context.

‘At the doctoral study level, resilience is conceptualised as the “acquisition of skills that enable students to become more assertive, confident, resilient, persistent and resolute in determining how to progress their Ph.D. while balancing their other commitments” (Mowbray & Halse, 2010, p. 657). Resilience in this sense is related to institutional and work demands but also encompasses ‘other commitments’ such as family or personal issues, which together form an array of possible challenges that the student needs to address.’ 

Our resources relate to all the areas outlined in this extract from Kokotsaki’ (2023) . If you want to read the paper in full click here