I am going, to be honest with you – being a parent and doing a PhD is not easy. But it can be made enjoyable for you and your child.

In 2021, when I was awarded a scholarship to undertake a PhD with ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre, my daughter Sophia (eight years old at the time) asked me: “More studies?”

So, I explained that “more studies” will make me extra knowledgeable about my subject, and I will become a doctor when I finish (add jazz hands when you say it for dramatic effect).

Oh, this sounded extra special to her! She had some idea about the subject I specialised in already – keeping people safe from getting ill from food (officially Food Safety). I further explained that I will be studying what people think and do when they prepare food. And my excitement about my new position made her excited too.

Soon more questions followed, such as: “But what exactly are you doing at the University?” and “Who are these people you have meetings with?” I always answered honestly and made it clear to Sophia that it is very important that I do my tasks well. And that this involves a lot of work.

PhD work often goes on during school holidays and arranging childcare might be difficult for many parents. This summer holiday I had no choice but to bring my daughter (now almost ten) with me for a couple of visits to campus where the ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre is located. This fact was welcomed by my supervisory team and the staff. It was a great opportunity for my daughter to find out more about food science and research activities at the Centre.

During these ‘bring your child to work days’, Sophia attended a tour of the ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre facilities with Dr Ellen Evans and Prof Elizabeth Redmond and met all the staff, like a true VIP. She also sat through the in-person meetings and took part in a short summer project.

Photograh: Veronika with her daughter Sophia in the ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre

A photograh of Veronika with her daughter Sophia in the ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre

In this project, we created an educational video helping kids learn proper handwashing steps. Sophia heavily contributed to the project by modelling the handwashing process, sharing her ideas about science communication with the team, discussing the video design ideas, and narrating the final video. She enjoyed every minute and felt very proud to be a part of it! Now I get asked, “When are we going to University again?”

It is very important that your supervisory team and co-workers understand your position as a parent when you are undertaking a PhD. I am fortunate to be supervised by Prof Elizabeth Redmond, Dr Ellen Evans, Prof Claire Haven-Tang and Dr Ambikesh Jayal who, from the very beginning, were very supportive of the fact that I have extra parental responsibilities. I am also grateful to the ZERO2FIVE staff for such a warm welcome during Sophia’s visit.

So, if I had to give advice to any PhD parents, it would be – to tell your child about your PhD and engage them in what you do. And, if you can, do easy learning and fun activities related to your PhD together. They will love it because all they want more than anything is to be a part of your world.

And this may not make the process of undertaking a PhD easier, but it will surely make the process more enjoyable and rewarding for you and for your child.